250ml plant based milk
1tsp runny honey
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp cinnamon
A sprinkle of ground Black pepper
Dash of nutmeg (optional)
Put all ingredients into a pan and warm gently,
as it heats through use a small whisk to blend all the ingredient's together until the herbs have dissolved.
Pour and enjoy
Turmeric: Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties this is due to it containing a compound called curcumin. Although it is difficult to obtain the amount needed for therapeutic effect through diet alone it is a wonderful herb to add into foods and drinks to support your body with its soothing properties. Curcumin is also a powerful antioxidant helping to protect your cells from free radical damage. To aid the absorption of curcumin it is useful to use black pepper alongside as it contains a natural compound called piperine that helps to increase curcumins bioavailability.
Cinnamon: A warming herb often added to hot drinks and porridge. In Chinese medicine it's hot but sweet flavour is seen to resonate energetically with the heart, spleen and pancreas, this is reflected in its associated benefits for weak digestion, poor circulation and blood sugar regulation.
End Note:
Foods support the body naturally, it is not medicine and should never be seen as a replacement for medications. If you are seeking to improve your diet and learn more about the therapeutic applications of herbs, foods and supplements please consult a qualified naturopath/ herbalist/ nutritionist. Please be aware of all ingredients and avoid if you have any associated allergies. This post contains no health claims.
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